Napoleon Bonaparte’s plans for Europe are considered to be a piece of cake in comparison to the plans of a modern working mummy. The daily schedule is really stressful and demanding. Your brain needs to work harder than a big computer processor!! You must get up before sunrise, prepare yourself to look at least decent, start the operation “going to school on time” and go to work… It never an 8 hour work as you have another shift afterwards. You must hurry up to take the kids to their after school activities! The car is transformed to a conference hall with many telephone calls required to set your meetings, organize kid’s gatherings etc. Then comes the supermarket, the “cleaning company” and to do list that is never ending.
I believe that even the best logistics companies would find it difficult to compete a working lady trying to choose the best route to be effective and fast. You must be highly concentrated, rush and feel your tiredness to increase geometrically. I stop at the traffic lights and I feel like a small girl who wants to hide immediately, take a deep breath and relax all alone.
Finally I am at home, wearing my fluffy sleepers and grabbing a cup of coffee. I left house just outside of the door! I put the telephone on flight mode, everything can wait.
What a great feeling to be on the playing carpet with my kids, building a super castle with mindcraft and enjoying my son who is so proud to teach me how! Princesses, lovely dolls and girly staff are all over and my little daughter puts her chappy hands on the castle to help… 100 questions every second, happy laughs, hugs. I feel like I am flying!
Time for a fast but delicious dinner! The family’s favourite: pasta, salad with parmesan and freshly baked ciabatta. And then the little energetic cuties will go to bed! Silence and calmness in the house. I am climbing the sofa with a soft, warm blanket, my head is resting on my husband’s big shoulder and then I realize that home is the best place on Earth with my beloved ones. A big smile covers my face and Morpheus is taking me to his kingdom immediately.
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