Victory Day, 9th of May, is a very important day in the world history and in many people hearts. It’s a hymn of real patriotism, everybody from kids to old people stand up against the enemy to protect their motherland as they payed for it priceless – their lives. This day 73 years ago ended the most blooded Great Patriotic War, in which about 28 million citizens of Soviet Union were lost. And this number – is people, someone’s beloved one, someone’s parents, someone’s children. Million of mothers never waited their sons back from front, and further more many of them even couldn’t take a flower to their cemetery, because they were lost. So this holiday although it’s a Victory day has a very bitter taste.
For me this holiday is reminding me of my Dad´s shoulders where i was sitting to observe the parade better, ocean of red carnations in the city, deeply touching song about Victory day (Den Popedi), St.George ribbon pined on the heart side and veterans with happy faces. We were visiting our grandparents, there was a fest dinner, we were watching together “Father of Soldier” and “The Cranes are Flying” with swallowing tears. My grandad was telling us the stories from war, he never felt himself hero, but it was hard for him to get over his mates loss.
The sacrifice and braveness which our grandparents showed should be remembered and celebrated forever throughout the generations. This is the smallest thing we can do to honor the people who gave us peace.
Today, with my husband and kids, we will watch the parade on Red Square on TV, we will have a fest dinner, red carnations and a black-orange ribbon, I’ll talk to my son about the war and the victory. Its very important for me to transfer and keep the tradition of celebrating this day to my children.
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