End of the day, end of the working week, physically exhausted, emotionally tired. Thousands of thoughts and plans are running in my brain. I’m sitting in the car and I am starting my trip to Paphos to pick up my husband from the airport. On my long trips, I love to listen to audiobooks. So, I put the first one in my download list. And it starts with the phrase “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
It was an amazing voyage in the alleys of Daoism about life and the necessity to be surrounded by real things and real feelings. These words were a trigger for me to take time and listen, no, hear my self.
Later on I understood that everyone of us can be in such a situation that the small changes here and there are useless, we feel like we can’t move on, and we need to press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys simultaneously to “reboot” like computers and give ourselves a chance to restart our lives. Many reasons can drive us to the decision to press the “refresh” button. The etiology is always the persisting feeling that we are not living according to our principles and values. Unfortunately, according to many investigations, the first and most difficult step is to end the toxic relationships. If you are surrounded by unsupportive people who mistreat you or fail to appreciate you, it’s time to erase those relationships. A spouse that verbally abuses you, a friend who always cancels at the last minute, or a boss who fails to recognize your contributions, can affect your life satisfaction and cause lack of energy and emotions.
Next, we need to clear up our minds, put in right order our priorities and values, give time to heal our souls, set new goals. Do something new for yourself, take tango classes or a new language course, go for a walk on the seaside and eat two portions of ice cream full of chocolate chips, paint the wall in your bedroom in rainbow colors.Just move on to create a whole new life. We need to close the old book and start new one from chapter No1.
Good luck to all of us!
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