Everyone of us has short episodes of sadness, lack of energy, depressed mood and the feeling that a blanket is our best dress for that day. These flashes of sadness aremost frequently not connectected with some concrete and current circumstances.
So what’s happening, why do we notice such a phenomenon? Does this sadness exist parallel with positivity in our life and predominates at some point?
Well, we all know that our mood is influenced a lot by circadian rhythms of our body, sunlight duration, playing of hormones, ongoing flow of negative information from media and genetically determined temperament. Additional influencing factors are: daily stress, rush and responsibilities. Also according to recent TED talks, even Facebook and Instagram can be reasons of mood swings and sadness, because they give us a false perception of how happy others are. The trigger which is driving us to this “bad days” can be insignificant like an innocent careless statement (often from an important person in our life) or just a look. And no matter how strong and dynamic a woman is, her real nature is very sensitive and fragile.
What can we do? How to set up our positivity again?
No universal recipe exists. The solution might be just to be more attentive to yourself. For someone it might be isolation on the couch, watching touching movies, for others, on the contrary, it can be going out with friends. Meditation, reading, walking on the seaside, eating tones of chocolate and many other options do exist, you just choose what you prefer to do.
Personally, what picks-me-up is to share my sadness with friends. Even if I do not describe my emotional condition, they will sense it and make me feel nice. In addition, I keep a “virtual gratitude dairy” where I point events or people that I am thankful about. Of course the best thing to overcome sadness is big portion of lava-cake with revitalizing chocolate inside eaten without guilt.
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