Definitely yes!!! And in most cases it’s leading to much more healthy and quality life.
When we go through divorce we are grieving. Grief is the physiological reaction to any loss and divorce is the loss of a love based relationship. It ruins every hope, expectation and dream you ever did together with your beloved one. It is often connected with betrayal and cheating. It destroys your everyday routine and disrupts our self-confidence. Uncertainty for the future is dramatically scary. Most of the women use to blame themselves for their lost marriage, crushing and relentlessly trying to find out where and which mistakes they made. The emotional and physical pain is so intense that sometimes you dought whether you can bear it or not.
Breakup is coming because our partner just stopped loving us. It is not you, not your ex or his new lover, black magic and devil eye that are guilty. Again, he most probably just doesn’t love us any more. And «resuscitation» of this marriage is useless. So let’s ask ourselves why we want to share our life with a person who doesn’t love us, who is not interested in our problems, and is not supporting us. We, women, worth more, we only have one life and it’s vital for us to be surrounded by love and real feelings. Accepting this fact will be the first step to relief. It’s important to remember that grieving slowly is metamorphosing in a healing process, leading us to make important conclusions, become more mature and move on. Unfortunately it will not happen in one week after divorce, it will take time to make an adjustment from couple to single life.
Be sure that no matter how strong the grief is, it can’t last forever. Furthermore and very important even the most unwanted divorce is an opportunity, which we have no rights to ignore. It is a chance to refresh and fulfill our dreams, clear up our purposes and do what we believe that is right for ourselves.
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