Gossips – I can’t describe in a sentence how I despise them! I don’t respect the gossip providers! They are polluting the space. I wish I could make a ‘‘No-Gossip law’’ with severe consequences, like if you gossip you are fired, or rejected from your family, work and society. Unfortunately, the statistics show that at least 60% of adult conversations are about people who are not present at that time.
Of course, talking about others is not always a tattle. Gossip is when the talk becomes negative, has bad intention, involving details which are not confirmed to be true, includes very private information. And the result is always harmful for people.
The evidence-based researches describing the psychological portrait of gossipmonger like a person with lack of self-esteem and self-worth, with high level of anxiety, huge quantity of insecurities and with very poor inner world. Only badmouthing on others makes them feel temporarily superior. They believe that gossiping is opening them a door in ” privileged groups”. They hope that people will treat them well, but they never trust them and never respect them. I believe this is best punishment for the gossiper.
The question is how to deal with such a category of people, especially when their stories are touching you??? First of all, try to “kill your devil” and avoid the temptation to pay them with same method, because it will drop you on gossiper cultural level, immediately. When I was 27, I was gossiped by my colleague (he was well famous in gossiping), I sent him email with full description of gossiper personality, I told him that I feel really pity that he feels so bad about himself and I proposed my honest help to support his soul. I worked at that hospital for another 2 years and he never ever touched me again, further more he was politely avoiding my company. The target was reached.
Moreover, I think that maybe it’s not a bad idea to go and speak direct to the gossip spreader, if you truly believe in his adequacy. But most probably, as soon as you will be 100 meters away from him, he will attack you with a new wave of badmouthing. Now that I’m 40, I think the best way is to ignore the gossiper, avoid his company, laugh by heart when you hear a fairy tail about you and keep your head up. This makes the insecurity of gossiper even deep, leading him to “boil” in his own poison and dramatically degrade his self-confidence. Remember, someone who talks behind your back, is behind you for a reason.
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