When I was a teen, my grandma used to say that her generation was different, that they were more principal and responsible, they worked harder and had real values of life. At that age I knew that she was from another generation, like from another planet on which the grass was greener and the sun was brighter.
Now, I think that in some years I might have the same misunderstanding with my kids. We are from different generations!!! It means from different planets! From different centuries literally and figuratively. I am from generation X and my children from generation Z. We have a serious gap between us. I’m from a group of people who lived in internet and gadget free world, but they can’t even imagine how it’s possible to live without internet even for couple of daysand find the destination without GPS.
Generation Z kids and teens are really very smart and impressively global minded, they are adorably familiar with highly sophisticated media and feel like a fish in the water in a computer environment. The other notable thing is that they expect honesty and diversity, they have their own opinion starting from their future profession and ending with the brand of cheese they want to have for breakfast. Generation Z prefers platforms as YouTube, Whats up, Facebook more than TV and cinema (I’m not even speaking about old fashion books).
We, the members of Gen-Xers, became more independent, because most of us had working mums. We truly believed and agreed with the statement “hard work is the key to getting ahead.” At the same time, we adore flexibility and consider it as a sign of intelligence. In addition, most of the modern platforms like Youtube, Google and Amazon are products of Gen-Xers. Although we are still main users of modern platforms, we use pen and paper for notes, we love original books and magazines, we go to the cinema and we are looking forward to our favourite program on TV, we believe that a live 5 min chat is much more efficient than 1-hour messaging.
Analysing each generation in my family, I understand that we, the members of a different generation, are doing the same things but in our different and certain way. The only recipe to avoid conflicts is to accept these different ways of thinking and acting, not to be ashamed to learn new things from younger generation members and try to show them the things that are important and loved by you in an interesting way. And remember that all generations are doing similar things- work hard to create a better place and future for the next generation, helping them to lead a happy life.
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