1.New delicious and authentic tastes
You will start to eat and to cook real traditional food of the country. The dishes of local cuisine are incomparable to the dishes of an ethnic restaurant in your country where the food is adjusted to and mixed with the local food.
2.Enjoy local holidays and sometimes make double celebrations
You will learn about various holidays , how to celebrate them, what to prepare for each fest. You will also have the chance to celebrate some holidays twice and make traditions double. In my family we are having two Christmas, oneon 25 of December and one on 7 of January. Two celebrations before Easter Fasting: on Sunday we are eating Russian pancakes and weareasking for forgiveness from our beloved ones, and on Monday we are having fasting food, cutting the nose of “Sarakosti”.
3.One more foreign language
You have a great chance to learn new language, and improve it day by day due to communication with your partner and new family members.
4.Your kids will be bilingual or even trilingual
They are switching easily and very naturally from one language to the other.
5.Cross cultural and flexible thinker
Different culture means a different way of thinking (different values, different beliefs, different lifestyles and so on). Living together with someone from a different culture will empower you to approach issues from a different point of view and transform you into a more open minded person.
6.Start to appreciate the uniqueness of your own culture
When you live with a person from a different culture you can better understand the subtleties of your own culture.
7.You always have an excuse because you are from another culture
You will be excused for being naive or making some mistakes because you are foreigner! And you can always answer: «Sorry it was a misunderstanding» or «we were lost in translation».
8.Life full of surprises
You will encounter situations that will surprise you instead of experiencing the same routine as in domestic marriages.
9.Know more people and make new friends
To get to know people always means more opportunities and more chances. Making new friends is a blessing.
10.True Love
It just couldn’t be any other way!
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